Review Detail

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Anejos T November 11, 2012 15978
Suerte Tequila Anejo
Overall rating
Initial Taste
This is a new tequila (May, 2013) that is just starting to make the rounds across the US. On a recent trip to Manhattan, I had the opportunity to purchase all three expressions - I choose the anejo. It was considerably more than the reposado, coming in around $74 compared to $44. My friend, Phil, bought the reposado. We trade off like this frequently so we can taste as many different tequilas as possible without having to buy every bottle. Then, if a tequila proves worthy - we bite the bullet and buy a bottle for ourselves.
In the case of Suerte, all three bottles are the same except for the color of the rabbit design on the bottle. Nice strong tequila-pouring bottle shape - classic in every way. Suerte means "luck" so the rabbit motif makes perfect sense. This anejo is aged for two years in American oak Bourbon barrels. I expected a darker product but the color is rather golden. Suerte anejo is also sweet but a lot more complex. There are many notes but, for me, they are a bit hard to differentiate.
In a Riedel glass, this tequila has nice legs, but thin - not thick. The product does not coat the mouth like many tequilas. The nose is rather light with mainly wood, but, perhaps, some honey and fruity undercurrents. Mouth feel or body is only slightly alcoholic which is a plus for me. The initial taste seems complex but most tequilas that start this way build in subsequent swallows - with certain elements eventually overriding others. I did not experience this phenomenon with Suerte Anejo. The flavor did not build and the alcohol level remained consistent. For me personally, I believe my lack of enthusiasm stems from the use of bourbon barrels - since I really dislike the taste of bourbon. My guess is I will like the reposado version better since it has less contact with the barrels. In fact, the real test may be tasting the blanco. For me, the finish of this anejo was less than exciting; good - just not what I was expecting.
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